Soothsayer – Definition

Soothsayer, the definition of the word.
A Soothsayer is a teller of the future, a truth teller, a special person whose insights into the future can help define your life.
Soothsayer, under his Hindi name is Nirmal Ananda, or spotless bliss, does the readings here as well as horoscopes and psychic predictions.
The Soothsayer has travelled the world making over 100 nations his home. Over 50 years of travel through the East covering all the trails that Marco Polo left to follow. Sitting with the holy men of the Himalayas, the Tibetan plains, Mongolia, the Hindu Kush, Swat, Kashmir, Kulu Valley, participating in the kum mela in Rishi-Kesh, Nirmal, our Soothsayer, has seen it, been there, and ready to help you on the path.
There are many paths in this world, all of them crowded. It is time to find a guide and who better than the Soothsayer?
When he left the ashram of the Muni baba they cried. He explained “It is too easy to find happiness in our ashram on the shores of the Ganges river. Real power comes from real tests and the West provides the circumstances of real evil and distraction. If you can find tranquility in the torments of the Western life you have done something.”
The Soothsayer has decided to do limited phone readings. While he claims he cannot see what he cannot see, he has felt the needs of others weigh on him and will take on a few clients who might benefit from his readings. If you would like to apply for a reading please contact us.