2015 Predictions and Horoscopes

Top Ten Predictions for 2015
Happy New Year to you all.
In the coming year we can depend that this will be a year to remember as our lives change into new directions.
1) Regrettably the world will continue to experience wars based on religion. The USA will continue to fund the rising Islamic tide and to surround the Soviet Union. This will continue to percolate hatred and activities that will cut into your privacy and lives.
2) Oil prices will continue to stay low and we will all have more money to spend on other things.
3) The financial criminals that caused the last 10 years of crisis will not be tried or sent to jail and small fines will be paid if at all.
4) The US will find itself in a healthcare crisis as the shortage of doctors and care givers for the newly insured find long lines and short care.
5) More dust storms will haunt the southwest and expand nearer to the Mississippi.
6) Fukashima radiation will reach the shores of California and start to show effects on fish and surrounding areas.
7) Greece will leave the Euro behind followed by Spain and Portugal.
8)Cannabis legalization will take hold in more than half the states in the USA
9)Food prices will drop and consumers will be getting more Genetically modified foods as corporations will win their fight to keep the information off the labels
10)The change promised by Obama will continue to elude everyone who hoped for it.
I wish I could say the world will find more peace this year, but it is not to be. Corporations will continue to fund and get their people elected and rule the western governments and our lives will continue to be left to us to improve. Devalued currencies will continue to loose purchasing power and you will need a lot more dollars to buy necessities. Be prepared.