Soothsayer Featured On Nooray’s Coast To Coast New Year Predictions Show

Soothsayer Linda Sherman was featured on a recent George Nooray’s Coast To Coast Radio for her predictions. You can listen to the show at Coast To Coast Radio
** Note we are not affiliated with Linda Sherman, This is an article reporting another psychic we respect. **
Soothsayer makes predictions every year and as usual some come to pass, some do not, and some predictions are just too early and have not come to fruition.
Soothsayer is still one of the best at predictions and readings.
On looking at last year’s predictions here is what I find:
No. 10:
Republicans did put up a candidate sure to lose and the bankers with Wall Street spent billions to prop up both sides.
No 9:
Occupy did grow and people with organizations joined with them to protest. However after extensive FBI and government infiltration the organization is no longer a viable entity for change.
No 8:
Bankers continued their rape and crime wave uninhibited by law or governments. Illegal actions, crimes, fraud were all forgiven with fines of less than 5% of what the actions accumulated. A great business for bankers and another blow to the citizen/slaves.
No 7:
The Euro has not actually crashed and is equal to the dollar. Both are worthless paper backed by crime families. So this one has not come true yet.
No 6:
Sarkozy will lose the French election and he did.
No 5:
Ron Paul did run for president, got plenty of popular votes, but lost to Obama
No 4:
Obama did not close Guantanamo.
No 3:
National debt exceeded $14 trillion
No 2:
Obama has US troops surrounding Iran and has brought Europe more debt by cutting Iran sales off, closing factories in France and Germany whose sales depend on Iran imports. War has NOT broken out in conventional warfare but the siege of Iran still continues.
No 1:
Most of us have survived.
That is a pretty good set of predictions that all came true. From the fact that we saw Romney as the candidate the Republicans would put up to assure another Obama tenure to the actions of Obama and Sarkozy. At least 8 out of 10 predictions came true!
All we can say is watch this month for our predictions for 2013!