Soothsayer Tops 90% Accuracy for 2015 Predictions!

Soothsayer Tops 90% Accuracy for 2015 Predictions!
While no one can really be proud of the outcomes from 2015 Soothsayer predicted 9 out of 10 correct.
1) The year saw continued wars and attacks based on religion. The USA and its’ allies continued to fund the Islamic State and give covert aid. The USA and NATO continued to surround Russia. Finally all this has contributed to the hatred of diverse peoples and their cults.
2) Oil prices have continued to plummet and it freed up money of consumers for other things and projects.
3) Financial terrorism has continued unabated and un punished.
4) The US Healthcare crisis has grown as many do not get the care needed and much of it caused by a shortage of qualified healthcare individuals.
5) Dust storms continued to rise in the southwest and devastated crops.
6) Fukushima radiation has reach mainland USA.
7) Greece DID NOT leave the Euro, nor did Spain or Portugal follow. The sad case of peoples votes counting for nothing.
8) Cannabis continued to march towards normalization and State governments are benefiting from the windfall in cost savings in criminal arrests and prosecutions and the tax dividends from legal sales.
9) Food prices have dropped significantly but the USA is alone in allowing all forms of GM (genetically modified) foods from being labeled as such.
10) Obama still has not kept any promises made. From closing Guantanamo to “no boots” in Iraq.
So there you go, 9 out of 10 predictions came true and Soothsayer has once again given you a heads up before it all comes about.
Look for Soothsayer Predictions for 2016 after the first week of the new year! Lots of surprises and even a prediction for the Presidential elections!